Noémie C.

Twitter @lelapinlunaire




They were Ballerinas


Historical-inspired Costume

These costumes were made for Lasalle College’s Signature 2015 and are modeled by Audrey de Marco Gagnon, Guylaine Gaudreaut and Tchad Gagnon respectively. All were designed, patterned and constructed by myself.


This gallery regroups all the cosplay projects for which I have a lot of documentation or pictures. You’ll find a resume on how I made each of the cosplay costumes showcased along with a few other facts about them, such as their working period, times they were worn and awards they have won if applicable. All the costumes and concepts on this website were classified by year and pertinence. For information about my incomplete costumes, you can visit my Facebook page’s dedicated WIP albums.


If you have more questions about any of these costumes, feel free to send me a message!

Costume Gallery & Concepts

Copyright © 2017.  All Rights Reserved to Noémie C.